Sunshine + Soccer + Sprinkler = SMILES!!!!
This was on Friday at Misty's...

There is an ongoing project going on at the Griggs', in September before Hendrix was born, Misty and Lonnie's Tahoe transmission broke, the hunt was on for a used one in good shape at the right price, this took a while. After a dark, evening trip to the town of Rainier, WA. the part was secured. It has been quite a process and with the skilled hands of Reuel, Asa and Lonnie the transmission and transfer case and drive line are now back in or under the Tahoe...not totally hooked up but they are there, believe me no quick, easy, task. we are truly grateful for the men in our family who have the knowledge, patience and skill and yes MUSCLE, because it take muscle to lift, yank, pull and cajole these parts to where they need to be. Thank goodness for a day of sunny weather to cooperate with the job!! Good Job Guys!!!

I find it so sweet the way Marley leans her head on Uncle Asa'a shoulder when I take this picture, no prompting just love!!
With weather like the weather we had in Sutherlin this weekend it is easy to see why we lived there for so green and so beautiful and ward and "fresh"! Asa was having his 22nd birthday so we took some time (he did not have much) and shared an ice cream cake and sang and took a couple of pics, that is about all we got but it was good!! Happy Birthday Son!!
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