Josie got to come and spend the day with me while her mom, Katie was having surgery here in Portland. I picked Josie up on Tues. morning at their motel, we were pretty excited to see each other, she had fun stories to tell me of swimming at the motel with her mom and Aunt, "her swimming lesson"! We came back to the apartment had a little lunch and played some Disney Princess games on the computer, counted up her pennies and just talked. We went to Target and did a little shopping and also went to the Red White and Blue thrift store, she is all about business when shopping for what she wants. She is getting so grown up at 6, it was like shopping with a friend. I took her to our Cub Scout meeting where she was PERFECTLY well behaved, I was so proud of her, she liked helping my friend Edria put glitter on the projects. When we got home Poppa was there...Yay!! Josie made some drawings while I made dinner, she and Poppa had some fun playing with the Wii, a little bowling, some golf and some "Just Dance". She was so excited about "the most wonderful dinner ever", (hamburger helper)she just knows how to give the compliments! We had a fun day that zoomed by before I had to take her back to the hospital to see mommy and to end our "Fun Day"! I love you Josie!!!

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